Redesign and visual identity update
The Harvard Extension School (HES) offers the quality of a Harvard education through the convenience and affordability of online education. HES students enroll as digital participants in real Harvard classes, but are offered the flexibility to pursue degrees and certificates, or enroll in a single class. This level of personalized course planning presents a challenge in complexity.
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Design, Development, Strategy, and UX
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This isn’t a Harvard story however—students are the focus of the experience. By building narrative through students’ stories, illustrating the impact HES has on their career paths, and highlighting alumni stories, content builds meaningful context. Through careful content strategy that mapped user pathways through the experience, students simultaneously have the opportunity to dig deeper, or enroll, without either option interfering with the other. Additionally, they’re aided through this process with examples and stories they identify with personally. The experience is about their individual Harvard Extension School journey.