
Customizing your experience and your room

FrogTape® is a beloved painter’s tape brand trusted by pro painters, DIYers, and industrial painters. It’s well known and respected as a premium option on the market and the FrogTape team wanted this to come through on the website through the brand expression, wide amount of content available, and demonstration of how well they know and support these three audiences.


Strategy, UX, Design, Development, Analytics, and Engineering: Visual brand extension, Website redesign, Front-end development, CMS: Craft, GA4, SEO

"I see us as being that hub for everything. Come, learn more about us, get inspired, see why we’re one of the leaders in the marketplace."
— Susan Diamond - Sr. Digital Marketing Manager

Their reputation for clean paint lines, minimal clean up, and getting things right the first time can appeal to everyone looking for painter's tape. But to help support people who have a specific skill level or task to complete, the site had to shift to meet people where they are at. The site also had to convince people that since tape is an inexpensive supply in any painting project, spending a few extra dollars is a very cost-effective way to get the best possible results (that you don’t need to fix later!).

We worked with the team to create an audience segmentation strategy to give casual browsers general content, and self-selected audience members content most appropriate and compelling to them. For instance, tips, ideas, and selling points for professionals vs. DIY painter's will have some overlap, but will be more valuable and FrogTape will be seen as more expert if they are different.

FrogTape sales happen in brick and mortar stores, so their site has to show what products are best for someone visiting, get people to the appropriate retailer, but answer bigger questions about how to use the product, why it’s better than competitors along the way. Our work together on the site focused on helping people find the right product quickly and answer those questions. The catalog of tapes available had to be designed to make it easy to tell what was best for each type of use. We introduced filters and meaningful comparisons throughout the experience to make finding the right tape simple.