May 13, 2019

Craft CMS Meetup at Happy Cog HQ

On May 9, we hosted Brandon Kelly, CEO of Craft CMS (Pixel & Tonic), for our first Meetup at our new Happy Cog office in New York City.

On May 9, we hosted Brandon Kelly, CEO of Craft CMS (Pixel & Tonic), for our first Meetup at our new Happy Cog office in New York City. Brandon leads the team behind Craft and spoke about Craft’s recent developments and lucky for us, he revealed some exciting new features set to roll out with Craft 3.2.

Coming soon to Craft 3.2:

  • Entry drafts will now be automatically created and auto-saved.
  • Preview contexts allow you to preview an entry on more than just one page.
    • For instance, you can preview a blog entry on the blog detail page and the home page.
  • Live preview now works much more easily with single page apps, including when Craft is being used as a headless CMS.
  • Also, live preview is a lot faster now.

Brandon was also proud to share that the Craft plugin store continues to thrive both in the quality of plugins and the number of purchases on Check out Brandon’s full presentation here.

.@KyleCotter kicking off the @happycog #craftcms meetup taking about AX

— Brandon Kelly (@brandonkelly) May 9, 2019

Happy Cog’s very own Author Experience Lead, Kyle Cotter, also presented “Crafting for the Author: Improving Author Experience (AX) with a Craft setup that you or your clients love to use.” Kyle led us through the process of setting up the ideal author experience and shared his top five tips for doing so:

  1. Live by the Content Model
  2. Make it Personal
  3. Be Consistent
  4. Be Proactive
  5. Be Explicit

Special thanks to Brandon for demoing the new Craft 3.2 tools and for answering our questions, and thanks to Kyle for his insights on using Craft to create a more organized, customized and seamless author experience. Watch the full Meetup below and look out for more Craft Meetups to come.
