We’re proud to be one of a handful of agencies selected to be an official Craft Service Partner. That means Happy Cog can offer a higher level of service for every Craft CMS and Craft Commerce build, including dedicated vendor-support and SLAs.

Why we build with Craft CMS

  • Superior flexibility

    Craft’s editing experience is simple for the end user, offering significant flexibility without compromising the appearance of the final production. Add images, videos, pull quotes, and other media into the content with just a few clicks.

  • Live Preview

    As end users make edits, changes can be automatically displayed in a live preview window without even having to manually save the content first. Content managers can share their edits with co-workers or test the draft on a mobile device using a preview URL.

  • Simplified Location

    Craft is a convenient CMS for global businesses. Content can be easily localized to target specific languages and locations. Best of all, Craft’s control panel has been translated into 18 languages and supports automatic geo-targeting.

  • Easy User Management

    With Craft CMS, you can manage users, streamline public user registration, and create permission systems with ease. Each user dashboard can be customized to include an RSS feed, a quick post module, updates, and more.

  • Custom Front-end

    While Craft’s back end remains simple for editors, the front end is completely customizable. Craft supports custom designs that showcase your business and allows our Craft developers the flexibility to build exactly what you need.

  • Responsiveness

    Craft CMS supports responsive designs, improving user experience and increasing engagement. Additionally, Craft’s control panel is responsive, so content managers can edit their sites on the go.better site performance altogether.

Making Security a Priority

Security is a top priority for every developer at Happy Cog. Our code has been audited by some of the top security teams in the world, as well as the Security Operations teams of many Fortune 500 companies. We’re trained on web security best practices, and several members of our team have spoken about security and PCI compliance at conferences.

At Happy Cog, we ensure that proper firewalls are set up on servers, and public key authentication is utilized for access. We protect private information by encrypting data at rest where warranted, employing SSL/TLS, and only storing secure password hashes; not raw passwords. We run automated and manual security tests, and have internal policies and procedures in place to handle any security issues that may surface.

Craft Commerce

In addition to creating beautiful and scalable websites using Craft, an exceptionally flexible and easy-to-use open source-based content management system, Happy Cog’s development team is extremely skilled at utilizing Craft Commerce, Craft’s eCommerce platform.

Craft Commerce is one of the most exciting solutions on the market and we’re proud to be one of its premier implementation and service consultants. From full website builds to custom plug-in development, trust our experienced Craft developers to create a CMS that enables full control over creative and media-rich content.
